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Midwest Shores

Oval Worry Stone with Indentation

Oval Worry Stone with Indentation

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Perfectly Pocket-size Worry Stone Carvings (with indentation) in choose your own materials!

What is a Worry Stone? A small but mighty carrying companion aiding as a form of soothing self-care, in calming worries, quelling nervous habits, and helpful for finding balance and focus for our minds and emotions. Worry Stones can be supportive during meditation and often as a token of care, or as a gift of love and comfort during the harder and more stressful events that life throws our way.


African Bloodstone: stone promoting strength, easing tension, protecting our energies, and cleansing our bodies, chakras and blood stream.

: Renowned meditation and calming companion, aids in alleviating stress, clearing and soothing the mind, protecting our peace and easing pain of all kinds. 

Black Tourmaline
: Master protector; transmutation of negative energies, grounding and absorbing/dispelling electromagnetic radiation. Powerful spatial cleanser.

  Amplifying creativity, clearing artistic and emotional blockages, encouraging passion, boosting self-esteem, and reminding us of our inner fire.

Chakra (Multicolor; Rainbow):
A physical coloration representation of each of our chakras; Root (red) for Stability, Sacral (orange) for Creativity, Solar Plexus (yellow) for Power, Heart (green) for Love, Throat (blue) for Speech, Third Eye (purple) for Intuition, Crown (pink tone) for Universe. 

Chevron Amethyst:  Amethyst of Sacred Geometry. Quartz banding aids in amplifying mood stabilization. Stronger and more powerful than traditional amethyst.

Clear Quartz: Ultimate Amplifier promoting clarity, manifestation, cleansing, and purity. Often full of rainbows and shine!

Crazy Lace Agate: The "laugher stone". Reliever of insecurities and fears, while being a shining beacon of encouragement and support in the hard times.

Dragon Bloodstone: Physical heath stone that can be helpful in cleansing, detoxifying, purification, rebalancing of energy and raising our endurance. 

Fluorite: Bringing mental enhancement and clarity, this material is amazing at helping in clearing negativity while reminding us to stay true to ourselves without clouded judgement.

Golden Healer Quartz: Master Healer helping to restore balance, harmony helps in cleansing/realigning our life's journey.

Green Aventurine: Energy soother, bringing forth inner harmony while helping to alleviate anger, calm nervousness, and soothing irritation. Helpful in emotional and mental support and healing.

Green Moss Agate: Strong and soothing connection to Earths' abundance, focus, and stability.

Hematite: Strong, stable and grounding, while absorbing negativity and toxicity. A "safe haven" for sleep, concentration, and promoting calm. 

Howlite: A soft, delicate, and patient material. Great in facilitating self-awareness and promoting calmness to an overactive mind.

Kiwi Jasper: Nurturing Stone; bringing peace, calm, and comfort to any situation.

Labradorite: Powerful negative energy dispeller, emotional soother, and helpful in promoting intuition and spiritual balance. 

Lapis Lazuli: Keeper of Wisdom and Universal Truth; aids in self-reflection, stress release, and the expansion of motivation.

Lepidolite: Stable emotional companion, soothing us and promoting relaxation and recuperation while alleviating worries and enhancing spiritual awareness. 

Net Jasper: (aka) Spiderweb Jasper. Unwavering protector and grounder, enhances courage and assists with subconscious connection.

Rainbow Moonstone: Stone of Divine Femininity; known for its warm and all-embracing energy. Hones our intuitive skills, balances our emotions and strongly promotes manifestation.

Rose Quartz: Stone of Unconditional Love; Powerful healer, inspires compassion, boosts calm, emitting love and peace, nurtures emotional wounds, and promotes self-love.

Serpentine: Promotes re-birth, manifests new beginnings, enhances resilience, brings prosperity and protection to our hearts during transitions.

Orange Satin Spar: Enhances connections with spiritual guides, boosts vitality and self-esteem, purifies energies and clears mundane energy blockages.

Shungite: Aids in inflammation reduction, soothing stressors, protecting against EMF exposure, balancing energies, and clearing negative patterns and habits.

Smoky Quartz: Declutters thoughts, cleansing and recharging through past traumas, promotes healthy growth regarding emotional blockages and stagnancy. Deepens our connection with inner-self and protects against psychic attacks and harmful influences.

Sodalite: Stone of Logic; Empowers observation and discipline, improves mental clarity, promotes introspection, elevates the truth and encourages us to tap into our deeper intuition.

Strawberry Quartz: Enlightens and grounds our heart and root chakras while enhancing our self-realization, self-awareness, self-love and self-confidence.

Sunstone: Stone of Leadership and energizer of the chakras. Enhances abundance, encourages originality, brightens the darkness, inspires goodness on our path, and increases self-worth.

Tiger's Eye: Courage Stone; heavily promotes self-confidence and inner strength, enhancing our grounding abilities, and aiding with motivation to push forward toward our goals.

Unakite: Allows visualization of goals, aids in scrying, and promotes a deeper understanding, balances emotional, physical and spiritual release and rebirth, while alleviating doubts and worries.

Yellow Aventurine: Awakens personal will, focuses on manifestation, promotes self fulfilment, strengthens optimism, and is an excellent companion for detoxing negativity while making space for positivity and personal power to flourish.

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